Friday, June 22, 2007

CISED announces 3rd Short-term course on Environment and Rural Development

The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED) is organising a two week short-term course on 'Environment and Rural Development' in September 2007. CISED is a Centre of Excellence being promoted by Institute of Social and Economic Change, Bangalore.

The course is targeted towards senior persons from practitioner and activist organisations, policy research and advocacy groups, PhD students, journalists and policy-makers who work on questions of NRM-based rural development and others who are interested in developing their analytical capacity in this area.

Explaining why CISED decided to start the course, Dr Sharachchandra Lele, Course Coordinator, says, " During our own research on NRM based issues we realised that researchers, and more so practitioners and policy makers, find it difficult to follow the rapidly changing debates on various issues. The course we have designed is meant to expose participants to basic concepts, debates, analytical approaches and emerging issues in the area of NRM-based Rural Development, particularly forests and water".

If you are seriously interested in enrolling for the course, please contact : Dr Sharachchandra Lele, Course Coordinator, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development ISEC Campus, Nagarabhavi, Bangalore 560 072

Tel: 080-2321-7013/2321-5804, Fax: 2321-7008
Email:, Web:

email communications from Dr Nitin Rai, Fellow, ATREE

Here's an interesting article about Community Initiatives and Community Conservation Areas

Check it out here at

source : email communication from Mr Samuel Thomas, ATREE's Communications Officer

Wipro launches India's first green computers

Wipro has launched eight new green computers under a new energy efficient green initiative called Wipro Greenware.

Wipro Greenware product range currently includes five desktops and three notebooks.

To get the full story, check out these links

Contributed by Nikhil Lele, Senior Research Associate, Eco-Informatics Cente, ATREE

Here is Nibedita Mukherjee's award winning poster

Click on the image to read the poster

Two more invitations

Here are two invitations - One to the Green Law lecture and the other to Sri Chamarajendra Zoological Garden's inauguration of Youth Club - 2007 at Mysore Zoo.

Contributed by Nitin, ATREE Librarian

Seminar on June 25th at CISED

Institute for Social and Economic Change - Seminar Series

Dr. Sandeep Pandey, Ramon Magsaysay Awardee, 2002, Visitor, CISED

will be presenting a seminar on 'Strengthening of Democracy at the Grassroots'

at 3.30 PM on Monday, 25th June, 2007, at ISEC Seminar Hall

All are welcome

The abstract of the Seminar and a brief note on the presenter are attached

Tea/ Coffee will be served before the Seminar

Dr.V.Anil Kumar
Seminar Coordinator
Asst. Professor Centre for Decentralisation and DevelopmentInstitute for Social and Economic Change,Nagarabhavi PO, Bangalore - 560 072

Phone: 080-23215468; 23215519; 23215592 Extn.417Fax: 080-23217008


ClimateHimalaya's synthesis report of the E-conference on Climate Change

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to share the synthesis report of the E-conference on "Climate Change and the Himalayan Glaciers", held from 7 May 2007 to 30 May 2007 to celebrate the World Environment Day (WED 2007) in Nepal and the Himalayas.

The event was organised by *ClimateHimalaya*, a voluntary electronic network of climate change professionals working across the region. ClimateHimalaya is a pilot project of the *Environmentalists' Association of Nepal* and aims to develop a mechanism in which all regional and international experts working in this region can interplay to produce better information to tackle various issues related to climate change and its subsequent effect on different landscapes and at different ecological levels. The present e-conference is the first attempt toward attaining this goal.

During the e-conference, we received about 161 entries from around 150 participants representing 26 countries of Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Out of this about 60% were from Himalayan countries and rest from other parts of the world.

We like to take this opportunity to thank you all who have contributed to make this e-conference a big success.

The report can also be accessed online and downloaded from the event site at

*Your support to circulate this information to a wider reach would be highly appreciated.*


Mr. Tek Jung Mahat, Dr. Madan Koirala, Mr. Laxman Belbase and
Mr. Parveen Chhetri



Discussion archive of the E-conference on "Climate Change and the
Himalayan Glaciers":

Be responsible and put moral pressure over others to become responsible...