Friday, April 27, 2007

News Watch

2007 Goldman Prize Award Winners

This year’s Goldman prize winners come from Canada, Zambia, Peru, Mongolia, Ireland and Iceland.

Prize winners include:

Tsetsegee Munkhbayar for protecting Mongolia’s water resources by halting mining.

Julio Cusurichi for saving the rainforests and protecting the rights of the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon.

Hammerskjoeld Simwinga, from Zambia for saving elephants from poaching while also helping the community to become free of poverty.

Willie Corduff for preventing Shell Oil from building an illegal pipeline through Ross Port, Ireland.

Sophia Rabliauskas from Manitoba, Canada for stopping destructive logging and hydro-power development

Orri Vigfússon for bringing to a halt commercial salmon fishing in the North Atlantic


To know more about the Goldman prize, check out

image source: IMSI Master Clips

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