Saturday, May 12, 2007

EarthRights International, Amazon Watch, Law firm and Achuar tribals file case against Oil Giant

An NGO - Earth Rights International, a law firm firm Schonbrun DeSimone Seplow Harris & Hoffman LLP (SDSHH) and the Achuar tribals from the Peruvian Amazon have filed a case against Occidental Petroleum Corp. (Oxy).

A report by ERI, Amazon Watch, and the Peruvian NGO Racimos de Ungurahu claims that “Oxy dumped an average of 850,000 barrels per day of toxic oil by-products directly into rivers and streams used by the Achuar for drinking, bathing, washing, and fishing – totaling approximately nine billion barrels during the 30 years of it's operation”.

Many of the people in the Achuar communities are suffering from severe cadmium and lead poisoning.

You can read the carefully researched report at


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