Friday, May 4, 2007

IRDC Announces Call for Concept Notes

The Rural Poverty and Environment Program at IDRC is announcing a call for concept notes on: Action research on ‘Value chains and the rural poor in disadvantaged regions’

The research must be located in a disadvantaged region in one of the following four RPE priority regions: the Sahel Belt of West Africa; the Nile Basin; South Asia; the Mekong Delta; or the Philippines.

Deadline is Friday 29th June 2007 by 16:00hrs (UK time).

For more information visit the following link:

We appreciate your assistance in helping us to circulate this call widely.

Please contact Wendy Manchur, for additional information.

en français

Appel à Notes Conceptuelles:

‘Chaines de Valeur et les pauvres ruraux dans les régions désavantagées’

La recherche doit être située dans une région désavantagée de l’une des
quatre Régions du l’initiative de programme Pauvreté rurale et
environnement (PRE): la ceinture sahélienne d’Afrique Occidentale; le
Bassin du Nil; Asie du Sud; le Delta du Mékong; ou les Philippines

Date limite: le vendredi 29 juin 2007 avant 16 heures, heure locale (UK).

Cliquez ici pour consulter l’appel à notes conceptuelles:

Wendy Manchur
Research Officer
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Rural Poverty and
Environment (RPE) Program Initiative
Phone: +613-236-6163, ext. 2314; Fax: +(613) 563-0815
P.O. Box 8500, 250 Albert Street,
Rm 1044, Ottawa ON K1G 3H9 CANADA


Helen Raij
Research Officer
Rural Poverty and Environment (RPE)
IDRC, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office
Av. Brasil 2655, Montevideo, Uruguay

source: email communication from Nakul Chettri []

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