Wednesday, May 2, 2007

IBM dives in to save world’s rivers with a Big Green Wave

Software giant IBM has teamed up with Nature Conservancy to give IT consultancy to protect the world’s rivers. Folks at IBM call it the Big Green Innovation.

Talking about the initiative Nicholas M. Donofrio, IBM executive vice president, innovation and technology says, "Informed, environmentally sound management of the world's freshwater systems is a growing challenge for society, and if this challenge is left unaddressed, it could have a lasting impact on future generations".

Using powerful technology driven tools like ultra-fast supercomputers, powerful software and management expertise, IBM’s superstars will brainstorm, analyze and work towards saving the world's rivers.

Working one river at a time, the Big Green river savior’s first project will be the Paraguay-Parana river system in Brazil. Later, over the next two years solutions will be worked out for China’s Yangtze River and the Mississippi.

image source: IMSI Clip Art

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