Thursday, August 16, 2007

Indian Railways goes on a green drive with low-emission trains

You can check out the full story here at

EIH withdraws Floating Hotel Project on Hebbal Lake

You can read the full story here at :

Contributed by Nikhil Lele, Senior Research Associate, ATREE


Dear Friends,

This is a critical time. The European Commission (EC) is currently revising the law - known as Directive 86/609 - that governs animal experiments across Europe. 86/609 is a hugely powerful Directive that has power of life and death over millions of animals across the continent - setting out minimum standards for how and whether animals can be used in experiments.

A staggering ten million animals are used in outdated and wasteful experiments in European laboratories every year. The Directive is supposed to ensure "the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes" but the huge numbers show that it’s just not doing that. There is a real possibility that with enough support the EC will ban all primate tests as part of the revised law.

Written Declaration 40/2007 urges the European Parliament to use the revision process of Directive 86/609/EC as an opportunity to establish a timetable for replacing the use of all primates in scientific experiments with alternatives. The Declaration will fall on 7th September and the signatures of half the MEPs in the Parliament is needed by then.

If you care about animals visit the following webpage to urge them to sign Written Declaration 40/2007 at

If you want to do more:-

Please write to the European Commission and ask them to ban primate tests. To help, a prepared letter can be found at

The address is:-
Mr. Stavros Dimas Commissioner for Environment European Commission B-1049, Brussels, Belgium

For more information:-

Thank You

Tony Gallett

2nd International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations

Venue: Kerala 21-24th March 2008

"Creating better places for people to live in and for people to visit"

Kerala Tourism, along with International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT) India, is organizing the Second International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations. The Conference will be held in March 2008 in Cochin, Kerala and will provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about what has been achieved and to discuss how to move the agenda forward.

21st March : an Academic Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations
22nd -24th March : the 2nd International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations.

Please put these dates in your diary and spread the word.

If you would like to present a paper at the academic conference please email Professor Harold Goodwin

If you would like to be kept informed of the details of the conference please register online here

Details of a wide range of accommodation options from home stays to five star; flight options and registration fees will be available shortly.

Kerala has experienced very rapid growth in visitor numbers, with around 6 million domestic and 0.5 million international visitors in 2006. The WTTC has identified Kerala as the destination with the highest forecast annual growth over the next few years. In this context the Kerala government has recognized the importance of engaging with all the stakeholders to pursue a responsible tourism initiative.

The Second International Conference on Responsible Tourism will be a follow up to the Cape Town Conference held in 2002 and, will be looking at the development of Responsible Tourism in the last 5 years in Kerala, The Gambia, South Africa and a number of other destinations .

The Kerala Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations in March 2008 is being jointly chaired by Dr Venu V, Secretary of Kerala Tourism and Professor Harold Goodwin of the International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT) at Leeds Metropolitan University

The objectives of the conference are to:
  • Review progress towards Responsible Tourism around the world since 2002, including initiatives in destinations and the initiatives of hotels and tour operators.
  • Reflect on Kerala’s experience of working towards being a Responsible Tourism destination and to share experience internationally.
  • Discuss how tourism can contribute to local economic development and poverty reduction
    consider how the environmental impact so the industry can best be managed.
  • Discuss the ways in which tourism can contribute to social development and mutual understanding and respectful encounters between tourists and local people.

    For further information contact : or #7, 1st Floor, 7th Main Indiranagar 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560 038 India. Tel +91.80.41152218 Mob +91.9886753286

Conference Organizers

Dr Venu Vasudevan, Secretary of Tourism, Kerala Government
Gopinath Parayil, Managing Trustee,ICRT India
Prof Harold Goodwin, Director ICRT Leeds Metropolitan University UK

Contributed by Dr Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan, Fellow, ATREE