Monday, June 4, 2007

Salmon fishing in Greenlandic waters halted

The North Altantic Salmon Fund and Atlantic Salmon Federation signed a new Salmon Agreement with Greenland´s KNAPK on June 2nd 2007. This is a seven-year moratorium agreement closing all commercial salmon fisheries in Greenlandic territorial waters, decommissioning of nets, as well as an agreement to reduce by-catch of salmon, minimize subsistence fisheries and limit supply to hospitals and old people´s homes.

Compensation for the moratoria will go to projects to redirect commercial netsmen to alternative sustainable employment in Greenland.

The North Atlantic Salmon Fund, NASF, is a network of voluntary conservation groups who have come together to restore stocks of wild Atlantic salmon to their historic abundance.

For more information about NASF, you can check out their website at or contact Mr. Orri Vigfússon at or tel: +354 893 3553

Photo credit:

Source: North Atlantic Salmon Fund press release

Mr. Orri Vigfússon is a recipient of this year's Goldman prize. We will be publishing an interview with Mr Orri Vigfusson on June 15th 2007.