Thursday, August 16, 2007


Dear Friends,

This is a critical time. The European Commission (EC) is currently revising the law - known as Directive 86/609 - that governs animal experiments across Europe. 86/609 is a hugely powerful Directive that has power of life and death over millions of animals across the continent - setting out minimum standards for how and whether animals can be used in experiments.

A staggering ten million animals are used in outdated and wasteful experiments in European laboratories every year. The Directive is supposed to ensure "the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes" but the huge numbers show that it’s just not doing that. There is a real possibility that with enough support the EC will ban all primate tests as part of the revised law.

Written Declaration 40/2007 urges the European Parliament to use the revision process of Directive 86/609/EC as an opportunity to establish a timetable for replacing the use of all primates in scientific experiments with alternatives. The Declaration will fall on 7th September and the signatures of half the MEPs in the Parliament is needed by then.

If you care about animals visit the following webpage to urge them to sign Written Declaration 40/2007 at

If you want to do more:-

Please write to the European Commission and ask them to ban primate tests. To help, a prepared letter can be found at

The address is:-
Mr. Stavros Dimas Commissioner for Environment European Commission B-1049, Brussels, Belgium

For more information:-

Thank You

Tony Gallett

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